WELCOMe to the wonderful WORLD OF Shining waters® and THe many BENEFITS Of Hydro-infused HYDrogen (H2)
The Fountain of Life Hydrogen Water Bottle
for Glowing Health and Wellness!
By reduction of the hydroxyl radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS)
H2 can aid the body as an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory,
anti-allergen, and help support healthy aging.
- What is it?
- What are the Benefits?
For survival we need Air (Oxygen), Water and Food. Fundamentally Oxygen helps us in transforming the food that we eat into energy that we use for survival. Water on the other hand is the medium that distributes the energy through out our body (through blood) and helps maintain all the bodily functions.
We know why Oxygen is required however it is also important to understand that oxygen is also the element that results is creation of free radicals in our body which results in cellular distress and ultimately, it’s aging and death. For a long time, scientists have been researching on various hypotheses to control the negative effects of oxygen, to come up with a formula that can effectively neutralize free radicals in a selective manner and thereby control the problem of ageing, premature cell death and other ailments caused by oxidative effect of oxygen on human body. Over the years many compositions have been researched for their anti-oxidative properties, but all of them were either not selective or had other side effects which made it impossible to any one composition to be used universally for all ailments cause due to free radicals.
Though the anti-oxidant properties of molecular hydrogen have been known for a number of years, only in the last 20 odd years have we seen systematic objective research being carried out to understand its therapeutic effects. In the last 10 to 15 years more than 1300 clinical trials on molecular hydrogen have been conducted which more or less prove that it has tremendous therapeutic value. The research has shown that molecular hydrogen is an Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti- Allergy, Anti-Cell Death & Anti- Ageing agent by virtue of which it provides therapeutic benefits in 31 human disease categories covering over 170 human diseases from diabetes to cancer, from arthritis to Alzheimer’s. Thus, the therapeutic applications of molecular hydrogen (H2) are endless.
Now that we know the benefits of H2 (molecular hydrogen), the next question is how can we consume it? What are the ways in which we can include in our daily routine or our diet? And also, in what quantities should we consume for it to be therapeutically effective?
Majority of the studies carried out in the last one decade, especially since 2011 have established that different modality of administration of hydrogen (Infused with Water, Gas, Saline, Tablets, Bathing, etc.) on different species of plants and animals have different extent of therapeutic impact due to specific properties of molecular hydrogen and its specific effect on individual Gene Groups. This means that the easiest way to include H2 in our daily routine is to start consuming Hydrogen Infused Water. But how do we get H2 Infused Water? Do we have such products in the market? The answer is yes- now we do!!
In the last one decade, because of the stated miraculous properties of H2 and by corollary H2 Infused Water marketeers have been selling products called Ionizers or Alkaline water purifiers claiming that they produce hydrogen water. However, the truth is something else- while it is true that ionizers by way of electrolysis of water do produce water with high alkalinity which contains very minimal amount of Molecular Hydrogen (0.2 to 0.3 ppm), it is created as a by product of the process of electrolysis with no infused hydrogen. The point to be noted is to get therapeutic benefits water must ideally have greater than 1 PPM of infused molecular hydrogen- or more- which these ionizers cannot produce. One may still benefit from lower amounts of infused H2 such as .5 PPM to 1 PPM but would need to drink more water than an infused amount of over 1 PPM for therapeutic benefits. Consuming any amount of H2 infused water is better than none.
Now that we know the benefits of H2 (molecular hydrogen), the next question is how can we consume it? What are the ways in which we can include in our daily routine or our diet? And also, in what quantities should we consume for it to be therapeutically effective?
Majority of the studies carried out in the last one decade, especially since 2011 have established that different modality of administration of hydrogen (Infused with Water, Gas, Saline, Tablets, Bathing, etc.) on different species of plants and animals have different extent of therapeutic impact due to specific properties of molecular hydrogen and its specific effect on individual Gene Groups. This means that the easiest way to include H2 in our daily routine is to start consuming Hydrogen Infused Water. But how do we get H2 Infused Water? Do we have such products in the market? The answer is yes- now we do!!
In the last one decade, because of the stated miraculous properties of H2 and by corollary H2 Infused Water marketeers have been selling products called Ionizers or Alkaline water purifiers claiming that they produce hydrogen water. However, the truth is something else- while it is true that ionizers by way of electrolysis of water do produce water with high alkalinity which contains very minimal amount of Molecular Hydrogen (0.2 to 0.3 ppm), it is created as a by product of the process of electrolysis with no infused hydrogen. The point to be noted is to get therapeutic benefits water must ideally have greater than 1 PPM of infused molecular hydrogen- or more- which these ionizers cannot produce. One may still benefit from lower amounts of infused H2 such as .5 PPM to 1 PPM but would need to drink more water than an infused amount of over 1 PPM for therapeutic benefits. Consuming any amount of H2 infused water is better than none.
The Fountain of Life portable H2 bottle produces up to 5 PPM of infused H2 making consumption of this water truly therapeutic. At this level H2 you can provide all the bodies needs for molecular hydrogen by drinking less than 500 ml per day.